The Pediatric Chest Center (PCC) aims to improve prognosis and quality of life in children with rare and severe diseases of the chest organs (heart, lungs, airways, esophagus and chest wall) in a multidisciplinary approach with optimal interaction between basic, translational and clinical research groups.

Research Activities
The Pediatric Chest Center creates new opportunities for multidisciplinary collaboration between pediatric and surgical medical specialists and basic scientists within Erasmus MC. Studies into the pathogenesis and treatment of early airway- and lung damage focus on inflammatory and infectious processes in BPD, CF, severe respiratory infections and asthma, and aim to prevent, limit or repair lung damage and to assess long-term treatment benefits.
Endpoint development is an important aspect and involves safe imaging by advanced CT and (cine) MRI of lungs, airways and chest, and noninvasive biomarkers in exhaled air. Studies into the pathogenesis and treatment of early cardiac damage focus on regeneration of the child's heart, biomarkers, and the role of exercise in congenital heart disease. We aim to prevent or limit early lung (vessel) and heart damage and to demonstrate long-term benefits. These studies comprise cell culture systems, mouse and pig models, translational studies, clinical trials, long-term follow-up and epidemiological cohorts. Examples:
- Studies of tissue regeneration and on the effects abnormal loading conditions of the child's heart in the national Cobra3 and PHAEDRA consortia.
- Normal values as a basis for research in the child's heart are developed in collaboration with the University of Zuerich and in the German Competence Net of congenital heart disease - ARESTCF study aims at sustainable improvement of health and quality of life in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients by means of early detection and treatment of CF-related pathology after newborn screening (with University of Perth and the National Heart and Lung Institute Royal Brompton in London).
- Projects on new personalized treatment focusing on biomarkers and novel CFTR correctors and potentiators, both in cellular models of pluripotent stem cells and in CF patients (I-BALL study with Emory University, Atlanta, USA; INSTINCT study with Hannover, Lisboa and McGill Universities) presently ongoing - Clinical trials in European CF Clinical Trial Network
- BPD studies focus on inflammatory processes e.g. in the sphingolipid pathways, early biomarkers, and vascular remodeling in animal model and patients, and on long-term follow-up of lung pathology and comorbidity
- Various studies on host-pathogen interactions in respiratory infections


The PCC staff is involved in teaching at all academic levels (Ba, MSc, PhD) and employs a substantial number of internal and external teaching activities (e.g. European Respiratory Society School annual teaching courses on CF, asthma, BPD, chest imaging, biomarkers; antimicrobial treatments, AEPC/EACVI/EACTS/SCMR international hands-on courses for surgeons, cardiologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, radiologists and ENT surgeons at Erasmus MC). We are actively involved in the development of innovative teaching programs, including comprehensive courses on respirology and cardiology for fellows in pediatrics. Other activities include the Scientific Integretiy Course of ErasmusMC and the development of an ErasmusMC interactive online training course for standardization of chest imaging.
Presently, over 20 PhD students, international fellows from China, Canada, Sweden, Italy, Indonesia, Australia and varying numbers of master students are educated at the PCC.

Care Activities
The PCC provides quaternary care with > 80% meeting ROBIJN criteria.
The PCC includes several NFU-recognized expertises for rare conditions: center for congenital heart diseases, CF center, center for pediatric laryngotracheal stenosis (3 expertises), pediatric surgical center for anatomical congenital malformations, including esophageal atresia, diaphragmatic hernia, and the center for BPD.
Most care within the PCC concentrates in multidisciplinary carepaths, with long-term follow-up programs and transition protocols.
We participate in 'Value based health care' with the care path 'Pediatric complex thoracic/heart surgery'.
Recently we were awarded in Quality Label of the Netherlands Cystic Fibrosis Society patient organization, after a thorough visitation. The PCC takes part in regular audits by NIAZ and by professional societies, with favorable results.
The research within the PCC contributes substantially to improvement of patient care.
- New catheter-based interventions for congenital heart defects
- The introduction of noninvasive respiratory inflammometry in exhaled air
- International implementation of new treatment algorithms for congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- Implementation of improved pediatric minimally invasive surgical techniques
- The increasing use and safety of ECMO treatment
- Application of novel CF treatment strategies including CFTR modifiers and potentiators
- The worldwide implementation of novel, safer pediatric chest imaging with CT and MRI
- Guidelines for pediatric cardiac CMRI and the introduction into pediatric cardiology of stress CMR
- Ground-breaking developments in exercise training in children with congenital heart diseases
Societal Relevance to Research, Education and Patient Care
PCC-related innovations in patient care include novel, minimally invasive surgical treatment for congenital abnormalities of the chest organs, new catheter-based interventions for congenital heart defects, new treatment strategies for cystic fibrosis and asthma, the introduction of noninvasive inflammometry in exhaled air, and a substantial improvement of safe pediatric chest imaging techniques by CT and MRI.
We are involved in guideline development for all conditions treated at the PCC by participating in international societies and bodies that produce and update guidelines (e.g. Dutch Pediatric Association, Global Initiative for Asthma GINA, European Respiratory Society, European Cystic Fibrosis Society, AEPC, EACVI, ESC and SCMR).
We developededucational materials for pediatricians, pediatric surgeons and ENT surgeons, and contributed substantially to the development of e.g. the European HERMES training curriculum, materials (including numerous chapters in the 2013 ERS handbook for Pediatric Respiratory Medicine), courses and certified examinations for pediatric pulmonologists in Europe.
The multidisciplinary approach in our lifecourse follow-up programs identify long-term morbidities hitherto unrecognized, and will be used to continuously improve prognosis by a quality feedback loop. We have succesful track records for this approach in cystic fibrosis and congenital anatomical abnormalities of heart, lungs and diaphragm, and will expand this formula to other PCC patient categories in the coming years.
PCC staff is involved in population cohort studies (Asthma & Allergy group within Generation R; ERGO; PIAMA cohorts). The respiratory research in these cohorts has impacted on public health.
In 2016 2 patents were filed related to innovative image analysis techniques developed by PCC researchers.
Viability of Research, Education and Patient Care
We established a multidisciplinary approach that greatly facilitates low-threshold knowledge sharing and co-operation between the various pediatric and surgical basis scientists, clinicians and paramedical disciplines for children and adults.
New transition programs are being developed and those up and running will be continued to prove opportunities for research, specifically but not exclusively long-term follow-up studies of rare conditions from childhood into adulthood that aim to improve treatment and prognosis.
Many PhD students co-operate with research centers in The Netherlands and abroad, and often spend time working abroad as part of their PhD curriculum. Funding has been obtained from international societies that aim to stimulate the exchange of PhD students between centers of excellence, or between developing countries and established centers. This is reflected by a continuous high output of international scientific publications in high impact peer-reviewed journals and performances at international meetings.
The PCC staff includes leading authorities in their fields, publishing in top ranking journals both in basic and clinical science.
Erasmus Lung Imaging Group and Lung Analysis are internationally recognized leaders in pediatric lung imaging and image analysis, and attract many international visitors.
Bibliometric network analysis is not yet a available; the PCC has an international top scientific output in several fields of resarch.
Key and relevant publications of the last five years
- Fonville JM, Fraaij PLA, de Mutsert-Loggen G, Wilks SH, van Beek R, Fouchier RAM, Rimmelzwaan GF. Antigenic maps of influenza A (H3N2) produced with human antisera obtained after primary infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016; 213: 31-38.
- Fraaij PLA, Wildschut ED, Houmes RJM, Swaan CM, Hoebe CJ, de Jonge HCC, Tolsma P, de Kleer IM, Pas SD, Oude Munnink BB, Phan MVT, Bestebroer TM, Roosenhoff RS, van Kampen JJA, Cotten M, Beerens N, Fouchier RAM, van den Kerkhof JH, Timen A, Koopmans MPG. Severe acute respiratory infection caused by swine influenza virus in a child necessitating extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), the Netherlands, October 2016. Eurosurveillance 2016; 21: 8-10.
- Jong VL, Ahout IML, van den Ham HJ, Jans J, Boutahar F, Zomer A, Simonetti E, Bijl MA, Brand KH, van IJcken WFJ, de Jonge MI, Fraaij PLA, de Groot R, Osterhaus ADME, Eijkemans MJ, Ferwerda G, Andeweg AC. Transcriptome assists prognosis of disease severity in respiratory syncytial virus infected infants. Scientific Reports 2016: 6.36603.
- Kreeft-Voermans JJC, Deniz S, Fraaij PLA, Baltissen-van der Eijk AA, Koopmans MPG, Pas SD. Performance evaluation of a rapid molecular diagnostic, MultiCode based, sample-to-answer assay for the simultaneous detection of Influenza A, B and respiratory syncytial viruses. Journal of Clinical Virology 2016: 85: 65-70.
- Meyer Sauteur PM, Unger WWJ, Nadal D, Berger C, Vink C, van Rossum AMC. Infection with and Carriage of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Children. Frontiers in microbiology 2016; 7.
- Meyer Sauteur PM, Huizinga HG, Gillen AP, Roodbol J, Hoogenboezem TA, Jacobs E, van Rijn M, Baltissen-van der Eijk AA, Vink C, de Wit MCY, van Rossum AMC, Jacobs B. Mycoplasma pneumoniae Triggering the Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A Case-Control Study. Annals of Neurology 2016; 80: 566-580.
- Moesker FM, van Kampen JJA, Aron GI, Schutten M, van de Vijver DAMC, Koopmans MPG, Osterhaus ADME, Fraaij PLA. Diagnostic performance of influenza viruses and RSV rapid antigen detection tests in children in tertiary care. Journal of Clinical Virology 2016; 79: 12-17.
- Moesker FM, van Kampen JJA, van Rossum AMC, de Hoog M, Koopmans MPG, Osterhaus ADME, Fraaij PLA. Viruses as Sole Causative Agents of Severe Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Children. PLoS One (print) 2016; 11 (3).
- Smits HH, Hiemstra PS, da Costa CP, Ege M, Edwards M, Garn H, Howarth PH, Jartti T, de Jong EC, Maizels RM, Marsland BJ, McSorley HJ, Muller A, Pfefferle PI, Savelkoul H, Schwarze J, Unger WWJ, von Mutius E, Yazdanbakhsh M, Taube C. Microbes and asthma: Opportunities for intervention. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2016; 137: 690-697.
- Spuesens EBM, Brouwer RWW, Mol KHJM, Hoogenboezem T, Kockx CEM, Jansen R, van IJcken WFJ, van Rossum AMC, Vink C. Comparison of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Genome Sequences from Strains Isolated from Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients. Frontiers in microbiology 2016: 7.
- Stittelaar KJ, de Waal L, van Amerongen G, Veldhuis Kroeze EJB, Fraaij PLA, van Baalen CA, van Kampen JJA, van der Vries E, Osterhaus ADME, de Swart RL. Ferrets as a Novel Animal Model for Studying Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in Immunocompetent and Immunocompromised Hosts. Viruses-Basel 2016: 8 (6).
- Wishaupt JO, van den Berg EAN, van Wijk T, van der Ploeg T, Versteegh FGA, Hartwig NG. Paediatric apnoeas are not related to a specific respiratory virus, andparental reports predict hospitalisation. Acta Paediatrica 2016; 105: 542-548.
- Goos JAC, Swagemakers SMA, Twigg SRF, van Dooren MF, Hoogeboom AJM, Beetz C, Günther S, Magielsen FJ, Ockeloen CW, A Ramos-Arroyo M, Pfundt R, Yntema HG, van der Spek PJ, Stanier P, Wieczorek D, Wilkie AOM, van den Ouweland AMW, Mathijssen IMJ, Hurst JA. Eur J Hum Genet. 2017. Identification of causative variants in TXNL4A in Burn-McKeown syndrome and isolated choanal atresia. Oct;25(10):1126-1133.
- Van Lieshout MJ, Joosten KF, Mathijssen IM, Koudstaal MJ, Wolvius EB, van der Schroeff MP. 2016 Non-surgical and surgical interventions for airway obstruction in children with Robin Sequence. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. Dec;44(12):1871-1879
- Brosens E, Marsch F, de Jong EM, Zaveri HP, Hilger AC, Choinitzki VG, Hölscher A, Hoffmann P, Herms S, Boemers TM, Ure BM, Lacher M, Ludwig M, Eussen BH, van der Helm RM, Douben H, Van Opstal D, Wijnen RM, Beverloo HB, van Bever Y, Brooks AS, IJsselstijn H, Scott DA, Schumacher J, Tibboel D, Reutter H, de Klein A. Copy number variations in 375 patients with oesophageal atresia and/or
- Costerus S, Zahn K, van de Ven K, Vlot J, Wessel L, Wijnen R. Thoracoscopic versus open repair of CDH in cardiovascular stable neonates. Surg Endosc. 2016 Jul;30(7):2818-24.
- Halim D, Hofstra RM, Signorile L, Verdijk RM, van der Werf CS, Sribudiani Y, Brouwer RW, van IJcken WF, Dahl N, Verheij JB, Baumann C, Kerner J, van Bever Y, Galjart N, Wijnen RM, Tibboel D, Burns AJ, Muller F, Brooks AS, Alves MM. ACTG2 variants impair actin polymerization in sporadic Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Feb 1;25(3):571-83
- Madderom MJ, Schiller RM, Gischler SJ, van Heijst AF, Tibboel D, Aarsen FK, IJsselstijn H. Growing Up After Critical Illness: Verbal, Visual-Spatial, and Working Memory Problems in Neonatal Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Survivors. Crit Care Med. 2016 Jun;44(6):1182-90
- Snoek KG, Capolupo I, van Rosmalen J, Hout Lde J, Vijfhuize S, Greenough A, Wijnen RM, Tibboel D, Reiss IK; CDH EURO Consortium. Conventional Mechanical Ventilation Versus High-frequency Oscillatory Ventilation for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Randomized Clinical Trial (The VICI-trial). Ann Surg. 2016 May;263(5):867-74
- van der Steeg HJ, Botden SM, Sloots CE, van der Steeg AF, Broens PM, van Heurn LW, Travassos DV, van Rooij IA, de Blaauw I. Outcome in anorectal malformation type rectovesical fistula: a nationwide cohort study in The Netherlands. J Pediatr Surg. 2016 Aug;51(8):1229-33.
- Baas, M., Stubbs, A.P., Zessen, D.B.H. van, Galjaard, R.J.H., Spek, P.J. van der, Hovius, S.E.R. & Nieuwenhoven, C.A. van (2017). Identification of Associated Genes and Diseases in Patients With Congenital Upper-Limb Anomalies: A Novel Application of the OMT Classification. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume, 42 (7), 533-545
- Brosens E, Marsch F, de Jong EM, Zaveri HP, Hilger AC, Choinitzki VG, Hölscher A, Hoffmann P, Herms S, Boemers TM, Ure BM, Lacher M, Ludwig M, Eussen BH, van der Helm RM, Douben H, Van Opstal D, Wijnen RM, Beverloo HB, van Bever Y, Brooks AS, IJsselstijn H, Scott DA, Schumacher J, Tibboel D, Reutter H, de Klein A. Copy number variations in 375 patients with oesophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal fistula. Eur J Hum Genet. 2016 Dec;24(12):1715-1723
- Beek, J. van, Baltissen - van der Eijk, A.A., Fraaij, P.L.A., Caliskan, K., Cransberg, K., Dalinghaus, M., Hoek, R.A.S., Metselaar, H.J. Roodnat, J., Vennema, H. & Koopmans, M.P.G. (2017). Chronic norovirus infection among solid organ recipients in a tertiary care hospital, the Netherlands, 2006-2014. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 23 (4), 265E9-265E13.
- Dam, K. van, Germund, I., Khalil, M., Helbing, W.A., Sreeram, N.& Cate, F. Ten (2017). The Need to Define Treatment Goals for Protein-Losing Enteropathy in Fontan Care and Research. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70 (20), 2602-2603.
- Marinkovic, T., Toemen, L., Kruithof, C.J., Reiss, I.K.M., Osch-Gevers, M. van, Hofman, A., Franco, O.H. & Jaddoe, V.W.V.K. (2017). Early Infant Growth Velocity Patterns and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Outcomes in Childhood. Journal of Pediatrics, 186, 57-+.
- Collins, J.J.P., Tibboel, D., Kleer, I.M. de, Reiss, I.K.M. & Rottier, R.J. (2017). The Future of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: emerging Pathophysiological Concepts and Potential New Avenues of Treatment. Frontiers in Medicine, 4:61.doi: 10.3389/fmed.2017.00061
- Dijk, M. van, Tibboel, D. & Simons, S.H.P. (2017). Oral sucrose for acute pain studied in more than 7000 neonates, but many questions remain. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 102 (4), F373-F373.
- Ganzevoort, W., Charante, N.M. van, Thilaganathan, B., Prefumo, F., Arabin, B., Bilardo, C.M., Brezinka, C., Derks, J.B., Diemert, A., Duvekot, J.J.,Ferrazzi, E., Frusca, T.,Hecher, K., Marlow, N., Martinelli, P., Ostermayer, E., Papageorghiou, A., Schlembach, D., Schneider, K., Todros, T., Valcamonico, A., Visser, G.H.A., Wassenaer-Leemhuis, A. van, Lees, C., & Wolf, H., Collaborators: Reiss I.K.M. en Weisglas-Kuperus N (2017). How to monitor pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction and delivery before 32 weeks: post-hoc analysis of TRUFFLE study. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 49 (6), 769-777.
- Ista, E. & Dijk, M. van (2017). Knowing Risk Factors for latrogenic Withdrawal Syndrome in Children May Still Leave Us Empty-Handed. Critical Care Medicine, 45 (1), 141-142.
- Koning, I.V., Dudink, J., Groenenberg, I.A.L., Willemsen, S.P., Reiss, I.K.M., & Steegers-Theunissen, R.P.M. (2017). Prenatal cerebellar growth trajectories and the impact of periconceptional maternal and fetal factors. Human Reproduction, 32 (6), 1230-1237.
- Laverty, A.A., Been, J.V., Millett, C. & Filippidis, F.T. (2017). A SMOKE-FREE GENERATION? A smoke-free world to protect child health. BMJ-British medical journal, 359:j4892.
- Pieterman, K. (radiology + pediatrics), Batalle, D. (external organisation), Dudink, J. (pediatrics-IC/N), Tournier, J.D. (external organisation), Hughes, E.J. (external organisation), Barnett, M. (external organisation), Benders, M.J. (external organisation), Edwards, A.D. (external organisation), Hoebeek, F.E. (neurosciences) & Counsell, S.J. (external organisation) (2017). Cerebello-cerebral connectivity in the developing brain. Brain Structure & Function, 222 (4), 1625-1634.
- Wit, M.C. de (gynaecology/obstetrics), Srebniak, M.I. (clinical genetics), Joosten, A.M.S. (clinical genetics), Govaerts, L.C.P. (clinical genetics), Kornelisse, R.F. (pediatrics-IC/N), Papatsonis, D. (external organisation), Graaff, K. de (external organisation), Knapen, M. (external organisation), Brüggenwirth, H.T. (clinical genetics), Vries, F.A.T. de (clinical genetics), Veen, S. van (clinical genetics), Opstal, D. van (clinical genetics), Galjaard, R.J.H. (clinical genetics) & Go, A.T.J.I. (gynaecology/obstetrics) (2017). Prenatal and postnatal findings in small-for-gestational-age fetuses without structural ultrasound anomalies at 18-24 weeks. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 49 (3), 342-348.
- Caudri, D. (medical informatics + pediatrics-other) (2017). Multi-trigger and viral wheeze: describing symptoms or defining diseases? European Respiratory Journal, 50 (5):1701283.
- Ciet, P. (radiology + pediatrics-pulmonology), Bertolo, S. (external organisation), Ros, M. (external organisation), Andrinopoulou, E.R. (Biostatistics), Tavano, V. (external organisation), Lucca, F. (external organisation), Feiweier, T. (external organisation), Krestin, G.P. (radiology), Tiddens, H.A.W.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology + radiology) & Morana, G. (external organisation) (2017). Detection and monitoring of lung inflammation in cystic fibrosis during respiratory tract exacerbation using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. European Respiratory Journal, 50 (1):1601437.
- Collins, J.J.P. (external organisation), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), Kleer, I.M. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N) & Rottier, R.J. (pediatric surgery) (2017). The Future of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: emerging Pathophysiological Concepts and Potential New Avenues of Treatment. Frontiers in Medicine, 4:61.
- Grasemann, H. (external organisation), Ciet, P. (radiology + pediatrics-pulmonology), Amin, R. (clinical genetics), McDonald, N. (external organisation), Klingel, M. (external organisation), Tiddens, H.A.W.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology + radiology), Ratjen, F. (external organisation) & Grosse-Wortmann, L. (external organisation) (2017). Changes in magnetic resonance imaging scores and ventilation inhomogeneity in children with cystic fibrosis pulmonary exacerbations. European Respiratory Journal, 50 (2):1700244.
- Prevaes, S. (external organisation), Piters, W. (external organisation), Groot, K. de Winter-de (external organisation), Janssens, H.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology), Tramper-Stranders, G. (external organisation), Chu, M. (external organisation), Tiddens, H.A.W.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology), Westreenen, M. van (clinical microbiology), Ent, C.K. van der (external organisation), Sanders, E.A.M. (external organisation) & Bogaert, D. (external organisation) (2017). Concordance between upper and lower airway microbiota in infants with cystic fibrosis. European Respiratory Journal, 49 (3):1602235.
- Wijngaart, L.S. van den (external organisation), Roukema, J. (pediatrics-other), Boehmer, A.L.M. (external organisation), Brouwer, M.L. (external organisation), Hugen, C.A.C. (external organisation), Niers, L.E.M. (external organisation), Sprij, A.J. (external organisation), Rikkers-Mutseerts, E. (external organisation), Rottier, B.L. (external organisation), Donders, A.R.T. (external organisation), Verhaak, C. (external organisation), Pijnenburg, M.W.H. (pediatrics-pulmonology) & Merkus, P.J.F.M. (external organisation) (2017). A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. European Respiratory Journal, 50 (4):1700471.
- Wijngaart, L.S. van den (external organisation), Kievit, W. (external organisation), Roukema, J. (pediatrics-other), Boehmer, A.L.M. (external organisation), Brouwer, M.L. (external organisation), Hugen, C.A.C. (external organisation), Niers, L.E.M. (external organisation), Sprij, A.J. (external organisation), Rikkers-Mutsaerts, E. (external organisation), Rottier, B.L. (external organisation), Verhaak, C. (external organisation), Pijnenburg, M.W.H. (pediatrics-pulmonology) & Merkus, P.J.F.M. (external organisation) (2017). Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. European Respiratory Journal, 50 (4):1701413.
- Almomani, R (Extern), Verhagen, J.M.A. (clinical genetics), Herkert, JC (Extern), Brosens, E. (clinical genetics), Spaendonck-Zwarts, K.Y. (Extern), Asimaki, A (Extern), Zwaag, PA van der (Extern), Frohn-Mulder, I.M.E. (pediatrics-cardiology), Bertoli-Avella, A.M. (clinical genetics), Boven, LG (Extern), Slegtenhorst, M.A. van (clinical genetics), Smagt, J.J. van der (Extern), Ijcken, W. van (cell biology), Timmer, B (Extern), Stuijvenberg, M van (Extern), Verdijk, R.M. (pathology), Saffitz, JE (Extern), Plessis, F.A. du (pediatrics-cardiology), Michels, M. (cardiology), Hofstra, R.M.W. (clinical genetics), Sinke, R.J. (Extern), Tintelen, J.P. (Extern), Wessels, M.W. (clinical genetics), Jongbloed, JDH (Extern) & Laar, I.M.B.H. van de (clinical genetics) (2016). Biallelic Truncating Mutations in ALPK3 Cause Severe Pediatric Cardiomyopathy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67 (5), 515-525.
- Dekker, H.T. den (Generation R + pediatrics-pulmonology + epidemiology), Ros, K.P.I. (epidemiology + pediatrics + Generation R), Jongste, J.C. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N), Jaddoe, V.W.V.K. (pediatrics-other + epidemiology + Generation R) & Duijts, L. (pediatrics + pediatrics-pulmonology + epidemiology) (2017). Body fat mass distribution and interrupter resistance, fractional exhaled nitric oxide, and asthma at school-age. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139 (3), 810-+.
- Anker, J.N. van den (pediatric surgery), Dijk, M. van (pediatric surgery + pediatrics-IC/N) & Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) (2016). Impaired Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Very Preterm Infants: Much Too Easy to Blame It Just on Morphine! Journal of Pediatrics, 172, 7-8.
- Been, J.V. (pediatrics-IC/N) & Sheikh, A (Extern) (2016). Risk factors for neonatal disorders and the Global Burden of Disease. Lancet (UK), 388 (10044), 560-561.
- Boronat, N. (Extern), Aguar, M. (Extern), Rook, D. (pediatrics-IC/N), Iriondo, M. (Extern), Brugada, M. (Extern), Cernada, M. (Extern), Nunez, A (Extern), Izquierdo, M. (Extern), Cubells, E. (Extern), Martinez, M. (Extern), Parra, A. (Extern), Goudoever, J.B. van (Extern) & Vento, M. (Extern) (2016). Survival and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Preterms Resuscitated With Different Oxygen Fractions. Pediatrics, 138 (6):e20161405.
- Corpeleijn, WE (Extern), Waard, M de (Extern), Christmann, V (Extern), Goudoever, J.B. van (Extern), Weide, MC Jansen-van der (Extern), Kooi, EMW (Extern), Koper, JF (Extern), Kouwenhoven, S.M.P. (Extern), Lafeber, HN (Extern), Mank, E (Extern), Toledo, L van (Extern), Vermeulen, M.J. (pediatrics-IC/N), Vliet, I. van (pediatrics-other) & Zoeren-Grobben, D van (Extern) (2016). Effect of Donor Milk on Severe Infections and Mortality in Very Low-Birth-Weight Infants The Early Nutrition Study Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama pediatrics, 170 (7), 654-661.
- Dekker, H.T. den (epidemiology + Generation R), Voort, A.M.M. van der (Generation R + pediatrics-other + epidemiology), Jongste, J.C. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Anessi-Maesano, I (Extern), Arshad, S.H. (Extern), Barros, H (Extern), Beardsmore, CS (Extern), Bisgaard, H (Extern), Phar, SC (Extern), Craig, L (Extern), Devereux, G (Extern), Ent, C.K. van der (Extern), Esplugues, A (Extern), Fantini, MP (Extern), Flexeder, C (Extern), Frey, U. (Extern), Forastiere, F. (Extern), Gehring, U. (Extern), Gori, D (Extern), Gugten, AC van der (Extern), Henderson, AJ (Extern), Heude, B (Extern), Ibarluzea, J (Extern), Inskip, HM (Extern), Keil, T (Extern), Kogevinas, M (Extern), Kreiner-Moller, E (Extern), Kuehni, CE (Extern), Lau, S (Extern), Melen, E (Extern), Mommers, M (Extern), Morales, E (Extern), Penders, J (Extern), Pike, KC (Extern), Porta, D (Extern), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N), Roberts, G (Extern), Schmidt, A. (Extern), Schultz, E.S. (Extern), Schulz, H. (Extern), Sunyer, J. (Extern), Torrent, M (Extern), Vassilaki, M (Extern), Wijga, A.H. (Extern), Zabaleta, C (Extern), Jaddoe, V.W.V.K. (pediatrics + epidemiology + Generation R) & Duijts, L. (pediatrics-pulmonology + pediatrics-IC/N + epidemiology) (2016). Early growth characteristics and the risk of reduced lung function and asthma: A meta-analysis of 25,000 children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 137 (4), 1026-1035.
- Faber, T. (public health + pediatrics), Sheikh, A (Extern) & Been, J.V. (pediatrics-IC/N) (2016). Smoke-free legislation and its impact on paediatric respiratory health. European Respiratory Journal, 48 (6), 1814-1815.
- Harris, J (Extern), Ramelet, AS (Extern), Dijk, M. van (pediatric surgery + pediatrics-IC/N), Pokorna, P. (pediatric surgery), Wielenga, J. (Extern), Tume, L (Extern), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Ista, W.G. (pediatric surgery) (2016). Clinical recommendations for pain, sedation, withdrawal and delirium assessment in critically ill infants and children: an ESPNIC position statement for healthcare professionals. Intensive Care Medicine, 42 (6), 972-986.
- Ista, E. (pediatric surgery), Hoven, B. van der (intensive care), Kornelisse, R.F. (pediatrics-IC/N), Starre, C. van der (pediatric surgery + pediatrics-IC/N), Vos, M.C. (clinical microbiology), Boersma, E. (cardiology) & Helder, O.K. (pediatrics) (2016). Effectiveness of insertion and maintenance bundles to prevent central-line-associated bloodstream infections in critically ill patients of all ages: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 16 (6), 724-734.
- Joubert, BR (Extern), Dekker, H.T. den (epidemiology + pediatrics-pulmonology + Generation R), Felix, J. (pediatric surgery + epidemiology + Generation R), Bohlin, J (Extern), Ligthart, S. (epidemiology), Beckett, E (Extern), Tiemeier, H. (epidemiology + Psychiatry), Meurs, J.B. van (internal medicine), Uitterlinden, A. (epidemiology + internal medicine), Hofman, A. (epidemiology), Haberg, S.E. (Extern), Reese, SE (Extern), Peters, M.J. (internal medicine), Andreassen, BK (Extern), Steegers, E.A.P. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Nilsen, RM (Extern), Vollset, SE (Extern), Midttun, O (Extern), Ueland, P.M. (Extern), Franco Duran, O.H. (epidemiology), Dehghan, A. (epidemiology), Jongste, J.C. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Wu, MC (Extern), Wang, TY (Extern), Peddada, SD (Extern), Jaddoe, V.W.V.K. (Generation R + epidemiology + pediatrics), Nystad, W (Extern), Duijts, L. (epidemiology + Generation R + pediatrics-pulmonology + pediatrics IC/N) & London, SJ (Extern) (2016). Maternal plasma folate impacts differential DNA methylation in an epigenome-wide meta-analysis of newborns. Nature Communications, 7.
- Koning, I.V. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Baken, L. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Groenenberg, I.A.L. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Husen, S.C. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Dudink, J. (pediatrics-IC/N), Willemsen, S.P. (Biostatistics), Gijtenbeek, M. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Koning, A.H.J. (bioinformatics), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N), Steegers, E.A.P. (gynaecology/obstetrics) & Steegers-Theunissen, R.P.M. (gynaecology/obstetrics) (2016). Growth trajectories of the human embryonic head and periconceptional maternal conditions. Human Reproduction, 31 (5), 968-976.
- Snoek, K.G. (pediatric surgery), Capolupo, I (Extern), Rosmalen, J. van (Biostatistics), Hout, L. van den (pediatric surgery), Vijfhuize, S. (pediatric surgery), Greenough, A (Extern), Wijnen, R.M. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N + pediatric surgery) (2016). Conventional Mechanical Ventilation Versus High-frequency Oscillatory Ventilation for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Randomized Clinical Trial (The VICI-trial). Annals of Surgery, 263 (5), 867-874.
- Snoek, K.G. (pediatric surgery), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N), Greenough, A (Extern), Capolupo, I (Extern), Urlesberger, B (Extern), Wessel, L (Extern), Storme, L (Extern), Deprest, J (Extern), Schaible, T. (Extern), Heijst, A. van (Extern) & Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) (2016). Standardized Postnatal Management of Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in Europe: The CDH EURO Consortium Consensus-2015 Update. Neonatology, 110 (1), 66-74.
- Toemen, L. (Generation R + pediatrics + epidemiology), Gishti, O. (epidemiology + Generation R + pediatrics), Osch-Gevers, M. van (pediatrics-cardiology), Steegers, E.A.P. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Helbing, W.A. (pediatrics-cardiology), Felix, J.F. (epidemiology + Generation R + pediatrics), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N), Duijts, L. (Generation R + pediatrics-pulmonology + epidemiology + pediactrics IC/N), Gaillard, R. (epidemiology + Generation R + pediatrics) & Jaddoe, V.W.V.K. (pediatrics + epidemiology + Generation R) (2016). Maternal obesity, gestational weight gain and childhood cardiac outcomes: role of childhood body mass index. International Journal of Obesity, 40 (7), 1070-1078.
- Beerthuizen, T (Extern), Bergen, S Voorend-van (pediatrics-pulmonology), Hout, W.B. van den (Extern), Vaessen-Verberne, AA (Extern), Brackel, H.J. (Extern), Landstra, A.M. (Extern), Berg, NJ van den (Extern), Jongste, J.C. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Merkus, PJ (Extern), Pijnenburg, M.W.H. (pediatrics-pulmonology) & Sont, J.K. (Extern) (2016). Cost-effectiveness of FENO-based and web-based monitoring in paediatric asthma management: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax, 71 (7), 607-613.
- Boon, M (Extern), Verleden, SE (Extern), Bosch, B van den (Extern), Lammertyn, EJ (Extern), McDonough, JE (Extern), Mai, C (Extern), Verschakelen, J (Extern), Corput, M. van de (radiology), Tiddens, H.A.W.M. (radiology + pediatrics-pulmonology), Proesmans, M (Extern), Vermeulen, FL (Extern), Verbeken, EK (Extern), Cooper, J (Extern), Raemdonck, DE Van (Extern), Decramer, M. (Extern), Verleden, GM (Extern), Hogg, J.C. (Extern), Dupont, LJ (Extern), Vanaudenaerde, BM (Extern) & Boeck, K. de (Extern) (2016). Morphometric Analysis of Explant Lungs in Cystic Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193 (5), 516-526.
- Dekker, H.T. den (epidemiology + Generation R), Voort, A.M.M. van der (Generation R + pediatrics-other + epidemiology), Jongste, J.C. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Anessi-Maesano, I (Extern), Arshad, S.H. (Extern), Barros, H (Extern), Beardsmore, CS (Extern), Bisgaard, H (Extern), Phar, SC (Extern), Craig, L (Extern), Devereux, G (Extern), Ent, C.K. van der (Extern), Esplugues, A (Extern), Fantini, MP (Extern), Flexeder, C (Extern), Frey, U. (Extern), Forastiere, F. (Extern), Gehring, U. (Extern), Gori, D (Extern), Gugten, AC van der (Extern), Henderson, AJ (Extern), Heude, B (Extern), Ibarluzea, J (Extern), Inskip, HM (Extern), Keil, T (Extern), Kogevinas, M (Extern), Kreiner-Moller, E (Extern), Kuehni, CE (Extern), Lau, S (Extern), Melen, E (Extern), Mommers, M (Extern), Morales, E (Extern), Penders, J (Extern), Pike, KC (Extern), Porta, D (Extern), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N), Roberts, G (Extern), Schmidt, A. (Extern), Schultz, E.S. (Extern), Schulz, H. (Extern), Sunyer, J. (Extern), Torrent, M (Extern), Vassilaki, M (Extern), Wijga, A.H. (Extern), Zabaleta, C (Extern), Jaddoe, V.W.V.K. (pediatrics + epidemiology + Generation R) & Duijts, L. pediatrics-pulmonology + pediatrics-IC/N + epidemiology) (2016). Early growth characteristics and the risk of reduced lung function and asthma: A meta-analysis of 25,000 children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 137 (4), 1026-1035.
- Duijts, L. (pediatrics-pulmonology + pediatrics-IC/N + epidemiology), Granell, R. (Extern), Sterne, JAC (Extern) & Henderson, AJ (Extern) (2016). Childhood wheezing phenotypes influence asthma, lung function and exhaled nitric oxide fraction in adolescence. European Respiratory Journal, 47 (2), 510-519.
- Kleer, I.M. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Kool, M (Extern), Bruijn, J.W. de (pulmonology), Willart, MAM (Extern), Moorleghem, J. van (Extern), Schuijs, MJ (Extern), Plantinga, M (Extern), Beyaert, R (Extern), Hams, E. (Extern), Fallon, PG (Extern), Hammad, H (Extern), Hendriks, R. (pulmonology) & Lambrecht, B.N.M. (pulmonology) (2016). Perinatal Activation of the Interleukin-33 Pathway Promotes Type 2 Immunity in the Developing Lung. Immunity, 45 (6), 1285-1298.
- Kuo, W.Y. (pediatrics-pulmonology), Corput, M.P.C. van de (radiology), Perez Rovira, A. (radiology + medical informatics), Bruijne, M. de (radiology + medical informatics), Fajac, I. (Extern), Tiddens, H.A.W.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology) & Straten, M. van (radiology) (2016). Multicentre chest computed tomography standardisation in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis: the way forward. European Respiratory Journal, 47, 1706-1717.
- Vardavas, C.I. (Extern), Hohmann, C. (Extern), Patelarou, E. (Extern), Martinez, D. (Extern), Henderson, AJ (Extern), Granell, R. (Extern), Sunyer, J. (Extern), Torrent, M (Extern), Fantini, MP (Extern), Gori, D (Extern), Annesi-Maesano, I (Extern), Slama, R. (Extern), Duijts, L. (pediatrics-pulmonology + pediatrics-IC/N + epidemiology), Jongste, J.C. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Aurrekoetxea, J.J. (Extern), Basterrechea, M (Extern), Morales, E (Extern), Ballester, F. (Extern), Murcia, M (Extern), Thijs, C. (Extern), Mommers, M (Extern), Kuehni, CE (Extern), Gaillard, E.A. (Extern), Tischer, C (Extern), Heinrich, J (Extern), Pizzi, C. (Extern), Zugna, D (Extern), Gehring, U. (Extern), Wijga, A. (Extern), Chatzi, L. (Extern), Vassilaki, M (Extern), Bergstrom, A (Extern), Eller, E. (Extern), Lau, S (Extern), Keil, T (Extern), Nieuwenhuijsen, M (Extern) & Kogevinas, M (Extern) (2016). The independent role of prenatal and postnatal exposure to active and passive smoking on the development of early wheeze in children. European Respiratory Journal, 48, 115-124.
- Vidovic, D (Extern), Carlon, MS (Extern), Cunha, MF da (Extern), Dekkers, J.F. (Extern), Hollenhorst, MI (Extern), Bijvelds, M.J.C. (gastroenterology & hepatology), Ramalho, AS (Extern), Haute, C Van den (Extern), Ferrante, M (Extern), Baekelandt, V (Extern), Janssens, H.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology), Boeck, K. de (Extern), Sermet-Gaudelus, I (Extern), Jonge, H.R. de (gastroenterology & hepatology), Gijsbers, R (Extern), Beekman, J.M. (Extern), Edelman, A. (Extern) & Debyser, Z (Extern) (2016). rAAV-CFTRAR Rescues the Cystic Fibrosis Phenotype in Human Intestinal Organoids and Cystic Fibrosis Mice. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193 (3), 288-298.
- Almomani R, Verhagen JMA, Herkert JC, Brosens E, Spaendonck-Zwarts KY, Asimaki A, van der Zwaag PA, Frohn-Mulder IME, Bertoli-Avella AM, Boven LG, van Slegtenhorst MA, van der Smagt JJ, van Ijcken W, Timmer B, van Stuijvenberg M, Verdijk RM, Saffitz JE, du Plessis FA, Michels M, Hofstra RMW, Sinke RJ, Tintelen JP, Wessels MW, Jongbloed JDH, van de Laar IMBH. Biallelic Truncating Mutations in ALPK3 Cause Severe Pediatric Cardiomyopathy. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2016; 67: 515-525.
- André F, Robbers-Visser D, Helling-Bakki A, Föll A, Voss A, Katus HA, Helbing WA, Buss SJ, Eichhorn JG. Quantification of myocardial deformation in children by cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking: determination of reference values for left ventricular strain and strain rate. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2016; 19: 8.
- Bakker A, Kammeraad JAE. Plotse hartdood bij kinderen en jongvolwassenen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2016; 61: D1119.
- Berg NWE vd, Slieker MG, van Beynum IM, Bilardo CM, de Bruijn D, Clur SAB, Cornette JMJ, Frohn-Mulder IME, Haak MC, van Loo-Maurus KEH, Manten GTR, Rackowitz ABMH, Rammeloo LAJ, Reimer A, Rijlaarsdam MEB, Freund MW. Fluorinated steroids do not improve outcome of isolated atrioventricular block. International Journal of Cardiology 2016; 225: 167-171.
- Boer SL den, du Marchie Sarvaas GJ, Klitsie LM, van Iperen GG, Tanke RB, Helbing WA, Backx APCM, Rammeloo LAJ, Dalinghaus M, ten Harkel ADJ. Longitudinal Strain as Risk Factor for Outcome in Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy. JACC-cardiovascular imaging, 2016; 9: 1121-1122.
- Boer SL den, Joosten KFM, van den Berg S, Backx APCM, Tanke RB, Sarvaas GJD, Helbing WA, Rammeloo LAJ, ten Harkel ADJ, van Iperen GG, Dalinghaus M. Prospective Evaluation of Sleep Apnea as Manifestation of Heart Failure in Children. Pediatric Cardiology, 2016; 37: 248-254.
- Boer SL den, Rizopoulos D, Sarvaas GJD, Backx APCM, ten Harkel ADJ, van Iperen GG, Rammeloo LAJ, Tanke RB, Boersma E, Helbing WA, Dalinghaus M. Usefulness of Serial N-terminal Pro-B-type Natriuretic Peptide Measurements to Predict Cardiac Death in Acute and Chronic Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Children. American Journal of Cardiology, 2016; 118: 1723-1729
- Bongers BC, Hulzebos EHJ, Helbing WA, ten Harkel ADJ, van Brussel M, Takken T. Response profiles of oxygen uptake efficiency during exercise in healthy children. European Journal Of Preventive Cardiology, 2016; 23: 865-873.
- Booij R, Dijkshoorn ML, van Straten M, du Plessis FA, Budde RPJ, Moelker A, Krestin GP, Ouhlous M. Cardiovascular imaging in pediatric patients using dual source CT. Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography, 2016; 10: 13-21
- Bossers SSM, Cibis M, Kapusta L, Potters WV, Snoeren MM, Wentzel JJ, Moelker A, Helbing WA. Long-Term Serial Follow-Up of Pulmonary Artery Size and Wall Shear Stress in Fontan Patients. Pediatric Cardiology 2016; 37: 637-645
- Dulfer K, Bossers SSM, Utens EMWJ, Duppen N, Kuipers IM, Kapusta L, van Iperen G, Schokking M, ten Harkel ADJ, Takken T, Helbing WA. Does functional health status predict health-related quality of life in children after Fontan operation? Cardiology in the Young 2016; 26: 459-468
- Etnel JRG, Elmont LC, Ertekin E, Mokhles MM, Heuvelman HJ, Roos-Hesselink JW, de Jong PL, Helbing WA, Bogers AJJC, Takkenberg JJM. Outcome after aortic valve replacement in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2016; 151: 143-+.
- Frauenfelder O, van Beynum IM, Reiss IKM, Simons SHP. Ibuprofen for Ductus Arteriosus Months after Birth. CASE REPORTS IN PEDIATRICS 2016.
- Kerstjens-Frederikse WS, van de Laar IMBH, Vos YJ, Verhagen JMA, Berger RMF, Lichtenbelt KD, Wassink-Ruiter JSK, van der Zwaag, Sarvaas GJD, Bergman KA, Bilardo CM, Roos-Hesselink JW, Janssen JHP, Frohn-Mulder IME, Spaendonck-Zwarts KY, van Melle JP, Hofstra RMW, Wessels MW. Cardiovascular malformations caused by NOTCH1 mutations do not keep left: data on 428 probands with left-sided CHD and their families. Genetics in Medicine 2016; 18: 914-923
- Menting ME, McGhie JS, Koopman LP, Vletter WB, Helbing WA, van den Bosch AE, Roos-Hesselink JW. Normal myocardial strain values using 2D speckle tracking echocardiography in healthy adults aged 20 to 72years. Echocardiography. A Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniqu 2016; 33: 1665-1675.
- Menting ME, van Grootel RWJ, van den Bosch AE, Eindhoven JA, McGhie JS, Cuypers JAAE, Witsenburg M, Helbing WA, Roos-Hesselink JW. Quantitative assessment of systolic left ventricular function with speckle-tracking echocardiography in adult patients with repaired aortic coarctation. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 2016; 32: 777-787.
- Oldenburger NJ, Mank, Etnel JRG, Takkenberg JJM, Helbing WA. Drug therapy in the prevention of failure of the Fontan circulation: a systematic review. Cardiology in the Young 2016; 26: 842-850.
- Silva LM, Kuipers IM, vd Heuvel F, Mendes R, Berger RMF, van Beynum IM, Rozendaal L, Rammeloo LAJ, van Iperen, Schokking M, Frerich S, Blom NA, Breur JMPJ, Helbing WA. KinCor, a national registry for paediatric patients with congenital and other types of heart disease in the Netherlands: aims, design and interim results. Netherlands Heart Journal 2016; 24: 628-639.
- Timmermans S, Cornette JMJ, Hofman A, Helbing WA, Jaddoe VWVK, Steegers EAP, Verburg BO. In utero origin of sex-related differences in future cardiovascular disease. BIOLOGY OF SEX DIFFERENCES 2016; 7: 55.
- Toemen L, de Jonge LL, Gishti O, van Osch-Gevers M, Taal HR, Steegers EAP, Hofman A, Helbing WA, Jaddoe VWVK. Longitudinal growth during fetal life and infancy and cardiovascular outcomes at school-age. Journal of Hypertension 2016; 34: 1396-1406.
- Toemen L, Gishti O, van Osch-Gevers M, Steegers EAP, Helbing WA, Felix JF, Reiss IKM, Duijts L, Gaillard R, Jaddoe VWVK. Maternal obesity, gestational weight gain and childhood cardiac outcomes: role of childhood body mass index. International Journal of Obesity 2016; 40: 1070-1078.
- Bartkowska-Śniatkowska A, Bienert A, Wiczling P, Rosada-Kurasińska J, Zielińska M, Warzybok J, Borsuk A, Tibboel D, Kaliszan R, Grześkowiak E. Pharmacokinetics of sufentanil during long-term infusion in critically ill pediatric patients. J Clin Pharmacol 2016; 56: 109-115.
- Brosens E, Marsch F, de Jong EM, Zaveri HP, Hilger AC, Choinitzki VG, Hölscher A, Hoffmann P, Herms S, Boemers TM, Ure BM, Lacher M, Ludwig M, Eussen BH, van der Helm RM, Douben H, Van Opstal D, Wijnen RM, Beverloo HB, van Bever Y, Brooks AS, IJsselstijn H, Scott DA, Schumacher J, Tibboel D, Reutter H, de Klein A. Copy number variations in 375 patients with oesophageal atresia and/or tracheoesophageal fistula. Eur J Hum Genet 2016; 24: 1715-1723.
- Costerus S, Zahn K, van de Ven K, Vlot J, Wessel L, Wijnen R. Thoracoscopic versus open repair of CDH in cardiovascular stable neonates. Surg Endosc 2016; 30: 2818-2824.
- Fraaij PL, Wildschut ED, Houmes RJ, Swaan CM, Hoebe CJ, de Jonge HC, Tolsma P, de Kleer I, Pas SD, Oude Munnink BB, Phan MV, Bestebroer TM, Roosenhoff RS, van Kampen JJ, Cotten M, Beerens N, Fouchier RA, van den Kerkhof JH, Timen A, Koopmans MP. Severe acute respiratory infection caused by swine influenza virus in a child necessitating extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), the Netherlands, October 2016. Euro Surveill 2016; 21. pii: 30416. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.48.30416.
- Kraemer U, Cochius-den Otter S, Snoek KG, Tibboel D. Pharmacodynamic considerations in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in infants: challenges and future perspectives. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2016; 12: 1-19.
- Leeuwen L, van Heijst AF, Vijfhuize S, Beurskens LW, Weijman G, Tibboel D, van den Akker EL, IJsselstijn H. Nationwide Evaluation of Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening during Neonatal Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Neonatology 2016; 111: 93-99.
- Madderom MJ, Schiller RM, Gischler SJ, van Heijst AF, Tibboel D, Aarsen FK, IJsselstijn H. Growing Up After Critical Illness: Verbal, Visual-Spatial, and Working Memory Problems in Neonatal Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Survivors. Crit Care Med 2016; 44: 1182-1190.
- Mous DS, Kool HM, Buscop-van Kempen MJ, Koning AH, Dzyubachyk O, Wijnen RM, Tibboel D, Rottier RJ. Clinically relevant timing of antenatal sildenafil treatment reduces pulmonary vascular remodeling in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2016; 311: L734-L742.
- Schiller RM, Madderom MJ, Reuser JJ, Steiner K, Gischler SJ, Tibboel D, van Heijst AF, IJsselstijn H. Neuropsychological Follow-up After Neonatal ECMO. Pediatrics 2016; 138. pii: e20161313.
- Schilders KA, Eenjes E, van Riet S, Poot AA, Stamatialis D, Truckenmüller R, Hiemstra PS, Rottier RJ. Regeneration of the lung: Lung stem cells and the development of lung mimicking devices. Respir Res 2016; 17: 44.
- Snoek KG, Tibboel D. The authors reply. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2016; 17: 1017-1018.
- Snoek KG, Capolupo I, van Rosmalen J, Hout Lde J, Vijfhuize S, Greenough A, Wijnen RM, Tibboel D, Reiss IK; CDH EURO Consortium. Conventional Mechanical Ventilation Versus High-frequency Oscillatory Ventilation for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Randomized Clinical Trial (The VICI-trial). Ann Surg 2016; 263: 867-874.
- Snoek KG, Capolupo I, Morini F, van Rosmalen J, Greenough A, van Heijst A, Reiss IK, IJsselstijn H, Tibboel D; Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia EURO Consortium. Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology-II Predicts Outcome in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Patients. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2016; 17: 540-546.
- Snoek KG, Kraemer US, Ten Kate CA, Greenough A, van Heijst A, Capolupo I, Schaible T, van Rosmalen J, Wijnen RM, Reiss IK, Tibboel D. High-Sensitivity Troponin T and N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide in Prediction of Outcome in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Results from a Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial. J Pediatr 2016; 173: 245-249.
- Snoek KG, Reiss IK, Tibboel J, van Rosmalen J, Capolupo I, van Heijst A, Schaible T, Post M, Tibboel D. Sphingolipids in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia; Results from an International Multicenter Study. PLoS One 2016; 11: e0155136.
- Snoek KG, Reiss IK, Greenough A, Capolupo I, Urlesberger B, Wessel L, Storme L, Deprest J, Schaible T, van Heijst A, Tibboel D; CDH EURO Consortium. Standardized Postnatal Management of Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in Europe: The CDH EURO Consortium Consensus - 2015 Update. Neonatology 2016; 110: 66-74.
- Snoek KG, Capolupo I, Braguglia A, Aite L, van Rosmalen J, Valfrè L, Wijnen RM, Bagolan P, Tibboel D, IJsselstijn H. Neurodevelopmental Outcome in High-Risk Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Patients: An Appeal for International Standardization. Neonatology 2016;109: 14-21.
- Spoel M, Marshall H, IJsselstijn H, Parra-Robles J, van der Wiel E, Swift AJ, Rajaram S, Tibboel D, Tiddens HA, Wild JM. Pulmonary ventilation and micro-structural findings in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Pediatr Pulmonol 2016; 51: 517-24.
- Szafranski P, Gambin T, Dharmadhikari AV, Akdemir KC, Jhangiani SN, Schuette J, Godiwala N, Yatsenko SA, Sebastian J, Madan-Khetarpal S, Surti U, Abellar RG, Bateman DA, Wilson AL, Markham MH, Slamon J, Santos-Simarro F, Palomares M, Nevado J, Lapunzina P, Chung BH, Wong WL, Chu YW, Mok GT, Kerem E, Reiter J, Ambalavanan N, Anderson SA, Kelly DR, Shieh J, Rosenthal TC, Scheible K, Steiner L, Iqbal MA, McKinnon ML, Hamilton SJ, Schlade-Bartusiak K, English D, Hendson G, Roeder ER, DeNapoli TS, Littlejohn RO, Wolff DJ, Wagner CL, Yeung A, Francis D, Fiorino EK, Edelman M, Fox J, Hayes DA, Janssens S, De Baere E, Menten B, Loccufier A, Vanwalleghem L, Moerman P, Sznajer Y, Lay AS, Kussmann JL, Chawla J, Payton DJ, Phillips GE, Brosens E, Tibboel D, de Klein A, Maystadt I, Fisher R, Sebire N, Male A, Chopra M, Pinner J, Malcolm G, Peters G, Arbuckle S, Lees M, Mead Z, Quarrell O, Sayers R, Owens M, Shaw-Smith C, Lioy J, McKay E, de Leeuw N, Feenstra I, Spruijt L, Elmslie F, Thiruchelvam T, Bacino CA, Langston C, Lupski JR, Sen P, Popek E, Stankiewicz P. Pathogenetics of alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins. Hum Genet 2016; 135: 569-586.
- Toussaint LC, van der Cammen-van Zijp MH, Janssen AJ, Tibboel D, van Heijst AF, IJsselstijn H. Perceived Motor Competence Differs From Actual Performance in 8-Year-Old Neonatal ECMO Survivors. Pediatrics 2016; 137: e20152724.
- Valkenburg AJ, Calvier EA, van Dijk M, Krekels EH, O'Hare BP, Casey WF, Mathôt RA, Knibbe CA, Tibboel D, Breatnach CV. Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Morphine After Cardiac Surgery in Children With and Without Down Syndrome. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2016; 17: 930-938.
- Valitalo PA, van Dijk M, Krekels EH, Gibbins S, Simons SH, Tibboel D, Knibbe CA. Pain and distress caused by endotracheal suctioning in neonates is better quantified by behavioural than physiological items: a comparison based on item response theory modelling. Pain 2016; 157: 1611-1617.
- Van den Anker JN, Allegaert K. Acetaminophen to Prevent Symptomatic Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Another Drug Bites the Dust? J Pediatr 2016; 177: 7-9.
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- Collins, J.J.P. (external organisation), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), Kleer, I.M. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N) & Rottier, R.J. (pediatric surgery) (2017). The Future of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: emerging Pathophysiological Concepts and Potential New Avenues of Treatment. Frontiers in Medicine, 4:61. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2017.00061
- Harmsen, W.J. (pediatric surgery), Aarsen, F.J. (pediatric surgery), Zijp, M.H.M. van (pediatric surgery), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery) (2017). Developmental problems in patients with oesophageal atresia: a longitudinal follow-up study. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 102 (3), F214-F219. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2015-309976
- Houmes, R.J.M. (pediatric surgery), Kate, C.A. ten (pediatric surgery), Wildschut, E.D. (pediatric surgery), Verdijk, R.M. (pathology), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Blaauw, I. de (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Heijst, A. van (external organisation) (2017). Risk and relevance of open lung biopsy in pediatric ECMO patients: the Dutch experience. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 52 (3), 405-409. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2016.11.031
- Joosten, K.F.M. (pediatrics-IC/P), Goederen, R. de (Erasmus MC afdeling), Pijpers, A. (external organisation) & Allegaert, K. (pediatric surgery) (2017). Sleep related breathing disorders and indications for polysomnography in preterm infants. Early Human Development, 113, 114-119. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2017.07.005
- Kleiber, N. (pediatric surgery), Mathot, R.A.A. (pharmacy), Ahsman, M. (external organisation), Wildschut, E.D. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Wildt, S.N. de (pediatric surgery) (2017). Population pharmacokinetics of intravenous clonidine for sedation during paediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and continuous venovenous hemofiltration. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 83 (6), 1227-1239. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13235
- Leeuwen, L. (pediatric surgery), Mous, D.S. (pediatric surgery), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Olieman, J.F. (EMC overig), Andriessen, L. (external organisation), Gischler, S. (pediatric surgery), Joosten, K.F.M. (pediatrics-IC/P), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery) & Spoel, M. (pediatrics-IC/P) (2017). Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Growth to 12 Years. Pediatrics, 140 (2):e20163659. doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-3659
- Leeuwen, L. (pediatric surgery), Heijst, A.F.J. van (external organisation), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Rijke, Y.B. de (clinical chemistry), Beurskens, L. (external organisation), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), Akker, E.L.T. van den (pediatrics-endo/diabetes) & Usselstijn, H. (external organisation) (2017). Changes in thyroid hormone concentrations during neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Journal of Perinatology, 37 (8), 906-910. doi: 10.1038/jp.2017.56
- Lorusso, R. (external organisation), Taccone, F. (external organisation), Beliato, M. (external organisation), Delnoij, T. (external organisation), Zanatta, P. (external organisation), Cvetkovic, M. (external organisation), Davidson, M. (external organisation), Belohlavek, J. (external organisation), Matta, N. (external organisation), Davis, C. (external organisation), IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery), Mueller, T. (external organisation), Muelenbach, R. (external organisation), Donker, D. (external organisation), David, P. (external organisation), Nardo, M. Di (external organisation), Vlasselaers, D. (external organisation), Miranda, D. (external organisation) & Hoskote, A. (external organisation) (2017). Brain monitoring in adult and pediatric ECMO patients: the importance of early and late assessments. Minerva Anestesiologica, 83 (10), 1061-1074. doi: 10.23736/s0375-9393.17.11911-5
- Morini, F. (external organisation), Capolupo, I. (external organisation), Weteringen, W. van (pediatric surgery) & Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N) (2017). Ventilation modalities in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, 26 (3), 159-165. doi: 10.1053/j.sempedsurg.2017.04.003
- Mous, D.S. (pediatric surgery), Buscop-van Kempen, M.J. (Erasmus MC afdeling), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Rottier, R.J. (pediatric surgery) (2017). Changes in vasoactive pathways in congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated pulmonary hypertension explain unresponsiveness to pharmacotherapy. Respiratory Research, 18:187. doi: 10.1186/s12931-017-0670-2
- Rayyan, M. (external organisation), Rommel, N. (external organisation), Tack, J. (external organisation), Deprest, J. (external organisation) & Allegaert, K. (pediatric surgery) (2017). Esophageal Atresia: Future Directions for Research on the Digestive Tract. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 27 (4), 306-312. doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1587330
- Schiller, R.M. (pediatric surgery + pediatric psychiatry), Bosch, G.E. van den (pediatric surgery), Muetzel, R.L. (pediatric psychiatry), Smits, M. (radiology), Dudink, J. (radiology), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery) & White, T.J.H. (radiology + pediatric psychiatry) (2017). Neonatal critical illness and development: white matter and hippocampus alterations in school-age neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation survivors. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 59 (3), 304-310. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13309
- Snoek, K.G. (pediatric surgery), Peters, N.C.J. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Heijst, A.F.J. van (external organisation), Eggink, A.J. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Sikkel, E. (external organisation), Wijnen, R.M. (pediatric surgery), IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery), Cohen-Overbeek, T.E. (gynaecology/obstetrics) & Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) (2017). The validity of the observed-to-expected lung-to-head ratio in congenital diaphragmatic hernia in an era of standardized neonatal treatment; a multicenter study. Prenatal Diagnosis, 37 (7), 658-665. doi: 10.1002/pd.5062
- Toussaint-Duyster, L.C.C. (external organisation), Zijp, M.H.M. van (pediatric surgery), Spoel, M. (pediatrics-IC/P), Lam, M. (medical oncology), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Jongste, J.C. de (pediatrics-pulmonology), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics) & IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery) (2017). Determinants of exercise capacity in school-aged esophageal atresia patients. Pediatric Pulmonology, 52 (9), 1198-1205. doi: 10.1002/ppul.23687
- Usselstijn, H. (external organisation), Gischler, S. (pediatric surgery), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery) & Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) (2017). Assessment and significance of long-term outcomes in surgery. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, 26 (5), 281-285. doi: 10.1053/j.sempedsurg.2017.09.004
- Vergouwe, F.W.T. (gastroenterology & hepatology), Spoel, M. (pediatrics-IC/P), Beelen, N.W.G. van (pediatric surgery), Gischler, S. (pediatric surgery), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics) & IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery) (2017). Longitudinal evaluation of growth in oesophageal atresia patients up to 12 years. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 102 (5), F417-F422. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311598
- Wijs-Meijler, D.P. de (cardiology + pediatrics-IC/P), Duncker, D.J.G.M. (cardiology), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), Schermuly, R. (external organisation), Weissmann, N. (external organisation), Merkus, D. (cardiology) & Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N) (2017). Oxidative injury of the pulmonary circulation in the perinatal period: Short- and long-term consequences for the human cardiopulmonary system. Pulmonary Circulation, 7 (1), 55-66. doi: 10.1086/689748
- Zani, A. (external organisation), Eaton, S. (external organisation), Morini, F. (external organisation), Puri, P. (external organisation), Rintala, R. (external organisation), Heurn, E. van (external organisation), Lukac, M. (external organisation), Bagolan, P. (external organisation), Kuebler, J. (external organisation), Friedmacher, F. (external organisation), Wijnen, R. (pediatric surgery), Tovar, J.A. (external organisation), Hoellwarth, M. (external organisation) & Pierro, A. (external organisation) (2017). European Paediatric Surgeons' Association Survey on the Management of Hirschsprung Disease. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 27 (1), 96-101. doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1593991
- Leeuwen, L. (pediatric surgery) (2017, December 12). From The First Breath Of Life : congenital diaphragmatic hernia, the child at risk. EUR Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. D. Tibboel, Prof. Dr. R.M.H. Wijnen & Dr. H. IJsselstijn.
- Mous, D.S. (pediatric surgery) (2017, November 30). Pulmonary Vascular Defects in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia : the quest for early factors and intervention. EUR Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. D. Tibboel, Prof. Dr. R.M.H. Wijnen & Dr. R.J. Rottier.
- Bassler, D. (external organisation), Shinwell, E.S. (external organisation), Hallman, M. (external organisation), Jarreau, P.H. (external organisation), Plavka, R. (external organisation), Carnielli, V. (external organisation), Meisner, C. (external organisation), Engel, C. (external organisation), Koch, A. (external organisation), Kreutzer, K. (external organisation), Anker, J.N. van den (pediatric surgery), Schwab, M. (external organisation), Halliday, H.L. (external organisation) & Poets, C.F. (external organisation) (2018). Long-Term Effects of Inhaled Budesonide for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. New England Journal of Medicine, 378 (2), 148-157. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1708831
- Becquet, O. (external organisation), Bonnet, D. (external organisation), Ville, Y. (external organisation), Allegaert, K.M. (pediatric surgery + intensive care) & Lapillonne, A. (external organisation) (2018). Paracetamol/Acetaminophen During Pregnancy Induces Prenatal Ductus Arteriosus Closure. Pediatrics, 142 (1):e20174021. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-4021
- Collins, J.J.P. (pediatric surgery), Lithopoulos, M.A. (external organisation), Santos, C.C. dos (external organisation), Issa, N. (external organisation), Mobius, M.A. (external organisation), Ito, C. (external organisation), Zhong, S.M. (external organisation), Vadivel, A. (external organisation) & Thebaud, B. (external organisation) (2018). Impaired Angiogenic Supportive Capacity and Altered Gene Expression Profile of Resident CD146(+) Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Isolated from Hyperoxia-Injured Neonatal Rat Lungs. Stem Cells and Development. doi: 10.1089/scd.2017.0145
- Huang, Y. (pediatric surgery), Munck, A.A. de (pediatric surgery + cell biology), Buscop-van Kempen, M.J. (pediatric surgery + cell biology), Sluiter, I. (pediatric surgery), Krijger, R. de (external organisation), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Rottier, R.J. (pediatric surgery + cell biology) (2018). Hypoxia inducible factor 2 alpha (HIF2 alpha/EPAS1) is associated with development of pulmonary hypertension in severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia patients. Pulmonary Circulation, 8 (3):Unsp 204589401878373. doi: 10.1177/2045894018783734
- IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery), Breatnach, C. (external organisation), Hoskote, A. (external organisation), Greenough, A. (external organisation), Patel, N. (external organisation), Capolupo, I. (pediatric surgery), Morini, F. (external organisation), Scharbatke, H. (external organisation), Kipfmueller, F. (external organisation), Ertresvag, K. (external organisation), Kraemer, U. (external organisation), Braguglia, A. (external organisation), Wessel, L. (external organisation), Heijst, A.F.J. van (external organisation), Moinichen, I. (external organisation), Emblem, R. (external organisation) & Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Defining outcomes following congenital diaphragmatic hernia using standardised clinical assessment and management plan (SCAMP) methodology within the CDH EURO consortium. Pediatric Research, 84 (2), 181-189. doi: 10.1038/s41390-018-0063-3
- IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery), Hunfeld, M. (external organisation), Schiller, R.M. (pediatric surgery), Houmes, R.J.M. (pediatric surgery), Hoskote, A. (external organisation), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Heijst, A.F.J. van (external organisation) (2018). Improving Long-Term Outcomes After Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: From Observational Follow-Up Programs Toward Risk Stratification. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6:177. doi: 10.3389/fped.2018.00177
- Koot, B. (external organisation), Leeuwenburgh-Pronk, W.G. (external organisation) & Vlot, J. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Esophageal Stenosis Owing to Compression by a Hypertrophic Left Diaphragm. Gastroenterology, 155 (2), 271-272. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.01.046
- Kort, E.H.M. de (pediatrics), Andriessen, P. (external organisation), Reiss, I.K.M. (pediatrics-IC/N), Dijk, M. van (pediatrics + internal medicine / pediatric surgery) & Simons, S.H.P. (pediatrics-IC/N) (2018). Evaluation of an Intubation Readiness Score to Assess Neonatal Sedation before Intubation. Neonatology, 115 (1), 43-48. doi: 10.1159/000492711
- Krämer, U.S. (pediatric surgery + pediatrics-IC/P), Leeuwen, L. (pediatric surgery), Krasemann, T.B. (pediatrics-cardiology), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Characteristics of Infants With Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Who Need Follow-Up of Pulmonary Hypertension. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 19 (5), E219-E226. doi: 10.1097/pcc.0000000000001464
- Miranda, D.R. (intensive care) & Houmes, R.J.M. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Anticoagulation therapy during ECMO: Scylla and Charybdis. Netherlands Journal of Critical Care, 26 (1), 4-5.
- Mous, D.S. (pediatric surgery), Kool, H.M. (pediatric surgery), Wijnen, R. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Rottier, R.J. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Pulmonary vascular development in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. European Respiratory Review, 27 (147):Unsp 170104. doi: 10.1183/16000617.0104-2017
- Mous, D.S. (pediatric surgery), Kool, H.M. (pediatric surgery), Burgisser, P.E. (pediatric surgery), Buscop-van Kempen, M.J. (pediatric surgery), Nagata, K. (pediatric surgery), Munck, A.A. de (pediatric surgery), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Dzyubachyk, O. (external organisation), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Rottier, R.J. (pediatric surgery + cell biology) (2018). Treatment of rat congenital diaphragmatic hernia with sildenafil and NS-304, selexipag's active compound, at the pseudoglandular stage improves lung vasculature. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 315 (2), L276-L285. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00392.2017
- Pokorna, P. (pediatric surgery + intensive care), Sima, M. (external organisation), Vobruba, V. (external organisation), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery + intensive care) & Slanar, O. (external organisation) (2018). Phenobarbital pharmacokinetics in neonates and infants during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Perfusion-Uk, 33, 80-86. doi: 10.1177/0267659118766444
- Schilders, K.A.A. (pediatric surgery), Eenjes, E. (pediatric surgery), Edel, G.G. (pediatric surgery), Munck, A.A. de (pediatric surgery), Kempen, M.B. (pediatric surgery), Demmers, J.A.A. (biochemistry), Wijnen, R. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Rottier, R.J. (pediatric surgery + cell biology) (2018). Generation of a biotinylatable Sox2 mouse model to identify Sox2 complexes in vivo. Transgenic Research, 27 (1), 75-85. doi: 10.1007/s11248-018-0058-1
- Shafa, M. (external organisation), Ionescu, L.I. (external organisation), Vadivel, A. (external organisation), Collins, J.J.P. (pediatric surgery), Xu, L.Q. (external organisation), Zhong, S.M. (external organisation), Kang, M. (external organisation), Caen, G. De (external organisation), Daneshmand, M. (external organisation), Shi, J. (external organisation), Fu, K.Z. (external organisation), Qi, A. (external organisation), Wang, Y. (external organisation), Ellis, J. (external organisation), Stanford, W. (external organisation) & Thebaud, B. (external organisation) (2018). Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived lung progenitor and alveolar epithelial cells attenuate hyperoxia-induced lung injury. Cytotherapy, 20 (1), 108-125. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2017.09.003
- Slot, E. (pediatric surgery + clinical genetics), Edel, G.G. (pediatric surgery), Cutz, E. (external organisation), Heijst, A. van (external organisation), Post, M. (external organisation), Schnater, J.M. (pediatric surgery), Wijnen, R. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery), Rottier, R. (pediatric surgery) & Klein, J.E.M.M. de (clinical genetics) (2018). Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of the pulmonary veins: clinical, histological, and genetic aspects. Pulmonary Circulation, 8 (3):Unsp 204589401879514. doi: 10.1177/2045894018795143
- Snoek, K.G. (pediatric surgery), Greenough, A. (external organisation), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Capolupo, I. (pediatric surgery), Schaible, T. (external organisation), Ali, K. (external organisation), Wijnen, R.M. (pediatric surgery) & Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: 10-Year Evaluation of Survival, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, and Foetoscopic Endotracheal Occlusion in Four High-Volume Centres. Neonatology, 113 (1), 63-68. doi: 10.1159/000480451
- Vergouwe, F.W.T. (pediatric surgery + gastroenterology & hepatology), IJsselstijn, H. (pediatric surgery), Biermann, K. (pathology), Erler, N.S. (Biostatistics), Wijnen, R.M.H. (pediatric surgery), Bruno, M.J. (gastroenterology & hepatology) & Spaander, V.M.C.W. (gastroenterology & hepatology) (2018). High Prevalence of Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma After Repair of Esophageal Atresia. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 16 (4), 513-+. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2017.11.008
- Wei, F.F. (external organisation), Yang, W.Y. (external organisation), Thijs, L. (external organisation), Zhang, Z. (external organisation), Cauwenberghs, N. (external organisation), Keer, J. Van (external organisation), Huang, Q.F. (external organisation), Mujaj, B. (external organisation), Kuznetsova, T. (external organisation), Allegaert, K. (pediatric surgery), Verhamme, P. (external organisation) & Staessen, J. (external organisation) (2018). Conventional and Ambulatory Blood Pressure as Predictors of Diastolic Left Ventricular Function in a Flemish Population. Journal of the American Heart Association, 7 (4):e007868. doi: 10.1161/jaha.117.007868
- Wei, F.F. (external organisation), Trenson, S. (external organisation), Monney, P. (external organisation), Yang, W.Y. (external organisation), Pruijm, M. (external organisation), Zhang, Z. (external organisation), Bouatou, Y. (external organisation), Huang, Q.F. (external organisation), Ponte, B. (external organisation), Martin, P.Y. (external organisation), Thijs, L. (external organisation), Kuznetsova, T. (external organisation), Allegaert, K. (pediatric surgery), Janssens, S. (external organisation), Vermeer, C. (external organisation), Verhamme, P. (external organisation), Burnier, M. (external organisation), Bochud, M. (external organisation), Ehret, G. (external organisation) & Staessen, J. (external organisation) (2018). Epidemiological and histological findings implicate matrix Gla protein in diastolic left ventricular dysfunction. PLoS One (online), 13 (3):e0193967. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0193967
- Wei, F.F. (external organisation), Huang, Q.F. (external organisation), Zhang, Z. (external organisation), Keer, K. Van (external organisation), Thijs, L. (external organisation), Trenson, S. (external organisation), Yang, W.Y. (external organisation), Cauwenberghs, N. (external organisation), Mujaj, B. (external organisation), Kuznetsova, T. (external organisation), Allegaert, K. (pediatric surgery), Struijker-Boudier, H. (external organisation), Verhamme, P. (external organisation), Vermeeer, C. (external organisation) & Staessen, J. (external organisation) (2018). Inactive matrix Gla protein is a novel circulating biomarker predicting retinal arteriolar narrowing in humans. Scientific Reports, 8:15088. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33257-6
- Zeilmaker-Roest, G.A. (external organisation), Saet, A. van (anesthesiology), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Bahmany, S. (pharmacy), Dijk, A. van (cardiac surgery), Wildschut, E.D. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Bogers, A.J.J.C. (cardiology) (2018). Potentially clinically relevant concentrations of Cefazolin, Midazolam, Propofol, and Sufentanil in auto-transfused blood in congenital cardiac surgery. Journal of cardiothoracic surgery, 13:64. doi: 10.1186/s13019-018-0747-0
- Zeilmaker, G.A. (cardiac surgery), Rosmalen, J.M. van (Biostatistics), Dijk, M. van (internal medicine), Koomen, E. (anesthesiology), Jansen, N.J.G. (external organisation), Kneyber, M.C.J. (external organisation), Maebe, S. (external organisation), Berghe, G. van den (external organisation), Vlasselaers, D. (external organisation), Bogers, A.J.J.C. (cardiac surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Wildschut, E.D. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Intravenous morphine versus intravenous paracetamol after cardiac surgery in neonates and infants: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 19:318. doi: 10.1186/s13063-018-2705-5
- Zeilmaker, G.A. (pediatric surgery), Pokorna, P. (pediatric surgery), Mian, P. (pediatric surgery), Wildschut, E.D. (pediatric surgery), Knibbe, C.A.J. (external organisation), Krekels, E. (external organisation), Allegaert, K. (pediatric surgery) & Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) (2018). Pharmacokinetic considerations for pediatric patients receiving analgesia in the intensive care unit; targeting postoperative, ECMO and hypothermia patients. Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism & Toxicology, 14 (4), 417-428. doi: 10.1080/17425255.2018.1461836
- Zwol, A. van (pediatric surgery), Oosterloo, B.C. (pediatric surgery), Betue, C.T.I. de (pediatric surgery), Bogers, A.J.J.C. (cardiac surgery), Liefde, I.I. de (cardiac surgery), Deutz, N.E.P. (external organisation) & Joosten, K.F.M. (pediatrics-IC/P) (2018). Effects of glucocorticoids on serum amino acid levels during cardiac surgery in children. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 23, 212-216. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2017.09.012
PhD theses of the last five years
- M. Engelkes, 1 juni 2016 (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam): Asthma. Epidemiology, treatment and exacerbations. Promotor: J.C. de Jongste, co-promotor: H.M. Janssens.
- A.C. Bos, 23 november 2016 (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam): Small airways disease in cystic fibrosis: improving efficacy of treatment. Promotor: H.A.W.M. Tiddens, co-promotor: H.M. Janssens.
- E. van Mastrigt, 13 december 2016 (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam): Biomarkers in Pediatric Respiratory Diseases. Promotores: J.C. de Jongste, I.K. M. Reiss, co-promotor: M.W.H. Pijnenburg.
- P. Ciet, 14 december 2016 (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam): Thoracic Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Promotores: H.A.W.M. Tiddens, G.P. Krestin.
- Houmes RJM. Pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, why, when and how. EUR, 25-05-2016. (Co-)Promotors: prof.dr. D. Tibboel, prof.dr E.D. Wildschut.
- Snoek KG. A dive into the wondrous world of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. An international multicenter clinical approach. EUR, 15-06-2016. (Co-)Promotors: Prof.dr. D. Tibboel, prof.dr R.H.M. Wijnen, dr. H. IJsselstijn.
- Schilders KAA. Identifying SOX2 interaction partners in the developing lung. EUR, 15-06-2016. (Co-)Promotors: prof.dr. D. Tibboel, dr. R.J. Rottier.
- Boer SL den. Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Children. EUR, 30-03-2016. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing & Dr. M. Dalinghaus.
- Menting ME. Adult Congenital Heart Disease. EUR, 10-05-2016. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. J.W. Roos-Hesselink, Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing & Dr. A.E. van den Bosch.
- Bos, A.C. (pediatrics-other) (2016, November 23). Small Airways Disease in Cystic Fibrosis: Improving efficacy of treatment. EUR (220 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens & Dr. H.M. Janssens.
- Ciet, P. (radiology + pediatrics-pulmonology) (2016, December 14). Thoracic Magnetic Resonance Imaging. EUR (247 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens & Prof. Dr. G.P. Krestin.
- Engelkes, M. (medical informatics) (2016, Juni 01). Asthma: epidemiology, treatment and exacerbations in real life. EUR (221 pag.) (Rotterdam: Drukwerkconsultancy). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. M.C.J.M. Sturkenboom, Prof. Dr. J.C. de Jongste, Dr. K.M.C. Verhamme & Dr. H.M. Janssens.
- Mastrigt, E. van (pediatrics-other) (2016, December 13). Biomarkers in Pediatric Respiratory Diseases. EUR (246 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. J.C. de Jongste, Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss & Dr. M.W.H. Pijnenburg.
- Moesker FM. Acute Virus Infections in Paediatric Patients Admitted to Intensive Care. EUR, 06-07-2016. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. A.D.M.E. Osterhaus & Dr. P.L.A. Fraaij.
- Spuesens EBM. Mycoplasma pneumoniae. EUR, 13-09-2016. Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. H.A. Moll, Dr. A.M.C. van Rossum & Dr. C. Vink.
- Bakker, H. (pediatrics + epidemiology + Generation R) (2017, november 29). Fetal and Infant Origins of Childhood Kidney Function : The Generation R Study. EUR Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. V.W.V.K. Jaddoe & Prof. Dr. E.A.P. Steegers.
- Elteren, HA van (pediatrics) (2017, april 4). The Microcirculation in Preterm Neonates. EUR (157 pag.) Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss, Prof. Dr. C. Ince & Dr. R.C.J. de Jonge.
- Koning, I.V. (gynaecology/obstetrics + pediatrics-other) (2017, mei 10). Early human brain development : the impact of periconceptional maternal and fetal factors. EUR (173 pag.) Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. R.P.M. Steegers-Theunissen, Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss, Dr. J. Dudink & Dr. I.A.L. Groenenberg.
- Roelants, J.A. (pediatrics-other) (2017, december 22). Food for thought : growth of the human body and brain in early life. EUR Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss, Prof. Dr. R.P.M. Steegers-Theunissen, Dr. K.F.M. Joosten & Dr. M.J. Vermeulen.
- Staphorst, M.S. (medical psychology & psychotherapy) (2017, juni 21). Hearing the Voices of the Children: the views of children participating in clinical research. EUR (197 pag.) Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. J.J. van Busschbach, Prof. Dr. J.B. van Goudoever, Prof. Dr. J. Passchier & Dr J.A. Hunfeld.
- Dekker, H.T. den (pediatrics-pulmonology + epidemiology) (2017, juni 14). Early Environmental and Epigenetic Influences on Respiratory Health. EUR (356 pag.) Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. V.W.V.K. Jaddoe, Prof. Dr. J.C. de Jongste & Drs. L. Duijts.
- Elbert, N.J. (dermatology + pediatrics-pulmonology) (2017, oktober 24). Fetal and infant origins of childhood eczema, allergic sensitization and allergy. EUR Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. S.G.M.A. Pasmans & Dr. L. Duijts.
- Kuo, W.Y. (radiology + pediatrics-pulmonology) (2017, oktober 18). Advanced Pediatric Chest Computed Tomography : Safe and standardized protocols and sensitive image analysis of cystic fibrosis lung disease. EUR (248 pag.) Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. H.A.W.M. Tiddens, Dr. M. de Bruijne & Dr. Ir. M. van Straten.
- Boer, S.L. den (pediatrics-other) (2016, Maart 30). Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Children. EUR (Enschede: Gildeprint). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing & Dr. M. Dalinghaus.
- Menting, M.E. (cardiology) (2016, mei 10). Adult Congenital Heart Disease. EUR Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. J.W. Roos-Hesselink, Prof. Dr. W.A. Helbing & Dr. A.E. van den Bosch.
- Ecury-Goossen, G.M. (pediatrics-IC/N) (2016, December 06). Echoes From The Neonatal Brain : Use of advanced cranial ultrasound to study the neonatal brain. EUR (181 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss & Dr. J. Dudink
- Mastrigt, E. van (pediatrics-other) (2016, December 13). Biomarkers in Pediatric Respiratory Diseases. EUR (246 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. J.C. de Jongste, Prof. Dr. I.K.M. Reiss & Dr. M.W.H. Pijnenburg.
- Kool, H.M. (pediatric surgery) (2018, januari 17). The Cellular Origin of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Potential Translational Approaches. EUR Prom./coprom.: Prof. Dr. D. Tibboel & Dr. R.J. Rottier.
- Beek, J. van (virology), Baltissen - van der Eijk, A.A. (virology), Fraaij, P.L.A. (virology + pediatrics-immuno/infection), Caliskan, K. (cardiology), Cransberg, K. (pediatrics-nefro), Dalinghaus, M. (pediatrics-cardiology), Hoek, R.A.S. (pulmonology), Metselaar, H.J. (gastroenterology & hepatology), Roodnat, J. (internal medicine), Vennema, H. (external organisation) & Koopmans, M.P.G. (virology) (2017).
- Boccalini, S (radiology), Harder, A. den (external organisation), Witsenburg, M.C. (cardiology), Breur, J. (external organisation), Krestin, G.P. (radiology), Beynum, I.M. van (pediatrics-cardiology), Stagnaro, N. (external organisation), Marasini, M. (external organisation), Jong, P.A. de (external organisation), Leiner, T. (external organisation) & Budde, R.P.J. (radiology) (2017).
- Boccalini, S (radiology), Harder, A. den (external organisation), Witsenburg, M.C. (cardiology), Breur, J. (external organisation), Krestin, G.P. (radiology), Beynum, I.M. van (pediatrics-cardiology), Stagnaro, N. (external organisation), Marasini, M. (external organisation), Jong, P.A. de (external organisation), Leiner, T. (external organisation) & Budde, R.P.J. (radiology) (2017) Complications After Stent Placement for Aortic Coarctation A Pictorial Essay of Computed Tomographic Angiography. Journal of Thoracic Imaging, 32 (6), W69-W80.
- Boccalini, S (radiology), Harder, A. den (external organisation), Witsenburg, M.C. (cardiology), Breur, J. (external organisation), Krestin, G.P. (radiology), Beynum, I.M. van (pediatrics-cardiology), Stagnaro, N. (external organisation), Marasini, M. (external organisation), Jong, P.A. de (external organisation), Leiner, T. (external organisation) & Budde, R.P.J. (radiology) (2017). Complications After Stent Placement for Aortic Coarctation A Pictorial Essay of Computed Tomographic Angiography. Journal of Thoracic Imaging, 32 (6), W69-W80.
Non-scientific publications related to the ACE
- Pijnenburg, M.W.H. (pediatrics-pulmonology) (2016). Personalized medicine voor kinderen met astma. Kinderarts en Wetenschap, 2015 (13), 15-19.
- Tiddens, H.A.W.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology), Straten, M. van (radiology), Odink, A.E. (radiology) & Stick, S.M. (pediatrics-pulmonology) (2016). Chest computed tomography and clinical trials in cystic fibrosis. In A. Bush & D. Bilton (Eds.), Hodson and Geddis'Cystic Fibrosis (pp. 497-507). Bocs Raton: CRC Press.
- Masman, A.D. (pediatric surgery), Tibboel, D. (pediatric surgery) & Dijk, M. van (internal medicine / pediatric surgery + pediatrics-IC/N + pediatric surgery) (2017). Richtlijnen palliatieve zorg vereisen nadere uitwerking. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad, 152 (4), 12-13.
- Waelput, A.J.M. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Rosman, A.N. (Extern), Belle, D.W. van (gynaecology/obstetrics), Lagendijk, J (Extern), Sijpkens, M.K. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Voorst, S.F. van (EMC overig), Vos, A.A. de (family practice), Potjer, L.C. (gynaecology/obstetrics), Been, J.V. (pediatrics-IC/N) & Steegers, E.A.P. (gynaecology/obstetrics) (2016). Project healthy pregnancy 4 all. aanpak babysterfte in Nederlandse gemeente. Ontwikkeling en implementatie van zorgexperimenten. (Intern rapport). Rotterdam: ErasmusMC.